Yuvraj Jadav

Our little aspiring EdTech entrepreneur!

A science and computer science enthusiast, this one wants to pursue computer science at IIT and open an EdTech business when he grows up. He also loves sports, with chess, volleyball, and racing as his favorites.

Meet The Family

While Yuvraj's own family is of three, comprising his father, mother, and himself, he lives with his extended maternal family. His mother suffered from hemorrhage in 2016 and as a result, is unable to work anymore.

Nalin Jadav

Nalinbhai, Yuvraj's father, has studied till grade 9. He works two jobs: as a screen-printing laborer in the day and as a security guard at night. He earns a monthly income of Rs. 15,000.

Kusum Jadav

Kusumben is Yuvraj's mother. She studied till grade 10 and is currently a homemaker.


Yuvraj Jadav's


Take a look at how Nandini's performance has grown over the years since she became a part of the initiative.

Yuvraj's report card